4 columns of sustainability
Could the “4 columns of sustainability”, used in Vienna for decades to enable sustainable housing, be applied more broadly as a societal quality control for holistic sustainability?

19 väitettä ryhmärakennuttamisesta – uhkaava uutuus vai vilpitön villitys?
An article about co-building in Finland (Finnish only).
Parempaa asumista halvemmalla? Vaivalloinen prosessi? Yhteisöllistä vai yksilöllistä? Monella meistä on käsitys ryhmärakennuttamisesta mutta on myös niitä, jotka eivät tiedä mistä on kysymys. Mitä on ryhmärakennuttaminen, mitkä mielikuvat ovat tosia ja mitkä kaipaavat oikaisua?

Why I joined Fira in building a smarter society
As of July, I’m connecting people with architecture as a co-founder at Fira Hive.

Deputy director of city planning in Stockholm, Niklas Svensson: From expert planning to dialogue based planning
This is part of an interview series with the city planning directors of Helsinki and Stockholm. Read Niklas Svensson, deputy city planning director of Stockholm, share his views on successful dialogue.

City planning director of Helsinki, Mikko Aho: Everyone can’t have everything but everyone needs to be heard
This is part of an interview series with the city planning directors of Helsinki and Stockholm. Read Helsinki's Mikko Aho share his views on how participatory urban planning has evolved in Finland.

Participatory urban planning in Helsinki and Stockholm – Leaders’ views
How has participatory urban planning evolved and what will it be in the future? Read the interviews with Mikko Aho, director of city planning in Helsinki and Niklas Svensson, deputy director at Stockholm’s city planning administration.

Better data, better cities
This is part of an interview series with Antti Jogi Poikola – an expert in digital collaboration and urban development.

We should discuss urban assumptions instead of plans
This is part of an interview series with Antti Jogi Poikola – an expert in digital collaboration and urban development.

We need a more dynamic feedback system
This is part of an interview series with Antti Jogi Poikola – an expert in digital collaboration and urban development.

Solving urban planning problems with digital collaboration
Digital technology brings new possibilities for solving problems in urban planning but is it enough? Read the interview with Antti Jogi Poikola – an expert in digital collaboration and urban development.

Connecting architecture with its users
I keep hearing complaints about arrogant architects who create ugly and dysfunctional built environments. Is there a gap between the ones who create and the ones who consume architecture?